Hey guys!! Today is my birthday and I just turned 21 so I thought I'd share some things I've learned with you. This us probably more helpful if you are younger but if you are older maybe you can add more advice in the comments. :)
1. Get a job while you're in high school just for the experience.
I wish I had done this so I'd have an easier time getting jobs that are better now. Lots of jobs require a year or more experience and that makes getting jobs harder if you've never worked anywhere before.
2. Going along with #1 take the smaller jobs while in high school
This way once you finish college you have tons of experience plus your degree and that will help ALOT.
3. Guard your heart but know it IS possible to meet your future spouse in high school and that those relationships can last.
I met my fiancé when we were only 8 and 10 and we slowly became friends and started dating at 15 and 17. He's the most amazing supportive person I know and I can't wait to marry him. So it can totally happen.
4. Even if you think it's crazy, do what you love and pursue it. You can choose the smarter option in college but you might regret not doing the thing your passionate about.
In the long run even though I enjoyed my biology classes and it has been somewhat helpful, I kinda wish I had pursued cosmetology or art because I think I'd have enjoyed it more and now I really can't go back and change it.
5. Know what you won't might change and that's ok, you don't need to know what you want to do so young.
I honestly am still not sure what I want to do. I'm trying new things I think I might like but I just still don't know.
6. Try cool new hobbies and expand your horizon a little.
I highly recommend trying new things, you learn new stuff and thus could also help you figure out what you want because you experience new stuff.
7. Probably try and save for a car and don't spend too much money on random stuff, even if you don't want a car, you'll need it.
Seriously, do this, I wish I had. Now I need to try and get one before I get married and budgeting this with everything else is hard.
8. Save for college and apply for scholarships and grants, it really helps if you can get them.
This is also super important. Paying for it yourself is hard and loans suck because you'll end up in debt. Even if you still have to pay a little doing this can be the difference between potential debt or not even going.
9. Know when to quit.
This is a new one I've just learned. I hate quitting things, especially things I overall enjoy, but sometimes you need to know when to quit if something isn't necessarily helping you or good for you, whether this be a job or a person or something else.
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