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What you should know about dating a gamer

Hey guys!! I wanted to do a slightly different kind of post today, my boyfriend is a gamer and so I thought it could be fun to do a post on what you should know about dating a gamer, and the best part? This list is gamer approved. :) lol

1. Gamers will game... alot.

If you are going to date a gamer you have to understand this, gaming is part of what he loves doing, especially if he's hardcore gamer, so don't be one of those girlfriends who's constantly trying to make him stop playing, gamers don't like that at all. You shouldn't try and change him, but accept who he is, or other option find a guy who isn't a gamer. lol

2. Sometimes,  it will take an eternity to get a text back,  or he forgets.

You'll get used to it. There are just some games where you can't pause them or they are just too difficult for him to text you back quickly.

If he likes this game:

that can be especially true. And trust me I've played it, he has an excuse for not texting you back much during this (or games like it) lol

If he DOES text you back quickly he's either A. at a good stopping/resting point or B. really really likes/loves you because if he's playing a hard game (like Dark Souls for example) he probably just died to text you back.

3. He can never have enough games.

He will ALWAYS want more games. This can be good because you'll always have something to get him for Christmas/birthday/anniversary OR it can be bad because all his extra money is probably going to go to buying games. lol

4. He might go through phases where he is obsessed with his game.

During this time, you might barely hear from him...unless it's about the game. Don't worry though, this is usually temporary and once he gets bored with it, or finishes the game he'll go back to normal...until he gets a new game/rediscovers an old game.

5. If your with him when he gets a new game,  he's still gonna wanna play it.

This doesn't mean he doesn't want to spend time with you, it just means that he wants to do both. Maybe try playing with him :) And if it's a one player, watch him play.  He'll be happy you enjoy doing something he enjoys. I play with my boyfriend and watch him play all the time.

6. He might get really loud.

When playing a game he could get super loud when he gets really into it, especially if he's in a party with his friends.

But if he does this it isn't so bad, unless you are trying to hear your favorite show, in that case ask him to be a little quieter and remember it could be worse, because...

7. He might rage.

This is past the normal loud that happens when playing, this is screaming/yelling and possibly even breaking games. This isn't good, and can get expensive.  Thankfully my boyfriend never does this lol

8. Sometimes he's gonna be more interested in his game than what you want him to do.

Don't be too mad, or offended (especially if he rejects you at that time),  he'll do whatever it was later. He's just too invested in what he's doing at that moment to do other things.

9. He will talk about games alot, all the time.

Gaming is his thing,  he totally loves it and if you wanna date a gamer you are going to have to accept it. And it can actually be really fun to listen to, because you get to see him super excited and animated talking about it.

10. He would be really impressed and happy if you learned about the games he likes.

If you can keep up with the new games coming out and learn about cool things in them and know what he's talking about and even be able to share new things with him, he'd be thrilled. And if you weren't previously interested in gaming then he'd probably find it sweet you put in the effort to do this. :) He'd also love not always having to explain what he's talking about in games. lol


  1. Haha I love this post! This is my boyfriend to a T! He is a gamer but I have learnt to live with it, usually we sit on the sofa and he games while I blog! x

    Georgina | Rent or Chanel?

    1. Thank you!! Lol Yeah a couple of these things took some getting used to, but now I love it lol


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