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Showing posts from January, 2016

What you should know about dating a gamer

Hey guys!! I wanted to do a slightly different kind of post today, my boyfriend is a gamer and so I thought it could be fun to do a post on what you should know about dating a gamer, and the best part? This list is gamer approved. :) lol 1. Gamers will game... alot. If you are going to date a gamer you have to understand this, gaming is part of what he loves doing, especially if he's hardcore gamer, so don't be one of those girlfriends who's constantly trying to make him stop playing, gamers don't like that at all. You shouldn't try and change him, but accept who he is, or other option find a guy who isn't a gamer. lol 2. Sometimes,  it will take an eternity to get a text back,  or he forgets. You'll get used to it. There are just some games where you can't pause them or they are just too difficult for him to text you back quickly. If he likes this game: that can be especially true. And trust me I've played it, he

OGX Nourishing Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditoner Review

Hey guys!! I was really having trouble deciding on what I'd like to do for todays post, but I decided to go with reviewing the OGX Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner. I have been trying out different OGX products as you guys know to try and deal with my hair being so frizzy. I was talking to a friend about this and she said she had tried this one and liked it, so I decided to give it a shot. I'll start off saying I liked the smell of this. It is very nice and pleasant. However after using this for a little over a month, my hair is feeling pretty dry. Now I'm not positive if the change in weather here has anything to do with it, because winter has finally come, but I feel like it is this shampoo. So because of that, I'm not a huge fan of this one. My hair was slightly less frizzy with this, but I don't want it being super dried out, so I'll be trying a different one.

Elsa Inspired FOTD

Hey guys!! It is very very VERY cold here today like below freezing, so I thought an Elsa inspired look was more than appropriate.  Face: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation in Ivory Covergirl Concealer in lightest shade Covergirl Clean Powder ELF Golden Bronze Bronzer Avon All Over Face Powder in Color Bloom as Highlighter Eyes: ELF eyelid primer Light blue, brown, and cream shade eyeshadows from my Sedona Lace 168 color Palette Maybelline Mega PlushVolume Express Mascara Lips: Chapstick Covergirl Outlast Lipstick in Pink Pow! Then I've decided to also braid my hair for this look. :)

Coastal Scents Pearl Shadow Angle Large Brush Review

Hey guys :) Today I'm reviewing the Pearl Shadow Angle Brush from Coastal Scents. I actually really like this brush. At first I found it slightly big for my eyes, because they are kinda small,  but after using it a little longer I realized that this actually works much better than a smaller brush because it can cover my whole eyelid at once,  so it's actually much quicker to use this. It's also awesome that this brush had no fallout and I can get a good amount of product on at once.  Referral link: .

What's in my Glam Bag? (January 2016)

Hey guys!! I just got my January Glam Bag so I'm super excited to show you what I got this month! ^_^ What I got: City Color Cosmetics Eyeshadow Trio in Falling Leaves Tucker Ashley Advanced Peptide Eye Complex skyn ICELAND Travel Size Glacial Cleansing Cloths theBalm Cosmetics Mr. Right (Now) Coastal Scents Pearl Shadow Angle Large Brush (Referral Link: )

Bath and Body Hand Soap Review

Hey guys!! Today I thought I'd post some reviews on some soaps I got for Christmas from Bath and Body. :) Candy Cane Bliss: This one is way too sweet for me, it's ok and if you like super sweet scents you'd probably love it, but things that are overly sweet just make me feel slightly sick so although I don't hate it I probably wouldn't purchase this scent again. I do like the type of soap though,  this is one of the foaming hand soaps,  which is nice. Winter Wonderland: I honestly could never figure out how to describe this scent. It has a very pleasant scent, but it's weird. Even my boyfriend used this one and said it smelled weird, but not in a bad way. I actually quite liked it and would buy this one again. This one is also a foaming hand soap. Twisted Peppermint: This has a very sweet fresh scent. It definitely smells like peppermint and if you sniff it you even get that feeling like when you eat anything minty. It has little beads in it as well tha

Clark's Botanicals Deep Moisture Mask Review

Hey guys!!!! This week I wanted to review the Clark's Botanicals Deep Moisture Mask.  :) Overall I actually really like this.  I used it in conjunction with the Befine Exfoliating Cleanser  and my skin felt so smooth.  I used this as a moisturizer,  but you can also use it as a mask.  Now I got this from Ipsy but I looked up how much the normal size typically costs, it's $70 you guys. As a moisturizer,  I believe this will last a long long time, even the one I have that's about 1/4 the normal size, but as a mask?? This would get even crazier expensive.  For me, I could never afford it. I'd have to save my money just to afford it once.  So although I love how my skin feels,  I would only recommend this us you have the extra money to spend on this kinda thing.  Maybe one day I will, but being a college student, that is not today.  Lol Now I will say the one thing other than price I didn't like, the smell. It isn't aweful, it just remind

Befine Food Skin Care Exfoliating Cleanser Review

Happy New Year!!!! I thought in honor of New a years I'd go ahead and post this review early!! I'm reviewing the Befine Exfoliating Cleanser. :) I actually think this works quite well. After using it my skin looks and feels very smooth and nice. (*note I used this followed up with the Clark's Botanicals Deep Moisture Mask) It also has a pleasant smell and I like that it's a very natural product. The only thing I dislike is that because it's an exfoliater it's very abrasive to me just because my skin is very sensitive. Personally though I would still recommend this to you guys. :) (Referral Link: )