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Anxiety: 2 Steps Forward 1 Step Back

As you guys know I don't often talk about personal things here,  but I have talked about my anxiety before. 

As of right now,  for the  most part my anxiety is going in a good direction,  it's still there but mostly under control the majority of the time. 

That being said I still have many little anxiety ticks if you will. 

I do little things like fidgeting a lot when I'm uncomfortable or nervous,  things like messing with my jewelry, scratching at my nail polish amongst other things. 

When I'm driving I tend to put my nails into my steering wheel,  resulting in many many marks in my wheel (I'm hopefully getting a steering wheel cover to help this).

I used to do this thing where I didn't like eating at parties and get togethers, but I thought I had gotten much better with that though still uncomfortable,  unfortunately that's where my step back comes in, apparently I've only gotten better in situations I know  the people at least somewhat. 

Recently I went to a party with my fiance with a bunch of people he new but I don't and I froze, I didn't wanna eat, I barely wanted to get a soda. He got me to try a few things but ultimately ended up buying me something else on the way home.

In thus situation I kinda felt bad because I didn't want to seem rude, but that's the thing about anxiety,  there are times it's paralyzing. It can freeze you in your tracks even when you think you have it under control. 

And you know what? That's ok, sometimes you'll have anxiety set backs,  but you just have to get through them and try and learn from each experience. 

What experiences have you guys had with this kind of situation? 

What little ticks do you still have even when your anxiety is "good"?


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