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SNS Nails Review

So this is from the day I first got them done. They looks super shiny and pretty and I so far kinda love it. The process only took about 30-45 minutes to complete and was quite simple. The nail tech did multiple layers of polish and powder until it was how he wanted it. They had a very nice selection to choose from as well. 

It kinda scares me about how my nails might look when this is removed simply because a drimal (is that spelled right??) was used on my nails for this. So I will let you guys know how that turns out.

This is from week two as you can see my nails still look very much the same. No chipping or anything. I think one nail has a tiny scratch, but you can't even see it so no biggie. You can definitely see more of my actual nail now, but that's simply from them growing out more. 

So far they are holding up quite nicely. They are very strong with this on and aren't breaking and cracking as I open things.

In this photo from week 3 you can see that my nails are starting to grow out some, but the polish is still looking good. I was extremely impressed the other night, I accidentally hit my nail with my razor while shaving and they didn't even have a scratch!

Week 3 UPDATE: The next day after that photo I somehow seem to have chipped the edge of my thumb, I'm not sure how it happened, but that's slightly disappointing although you can't tell too much. Debatably there might also be a chip at the bottom of my other finger, but it's super hard to tell.

My hair in also starting to catch on the polish as I run my hands through it.

As you can see in week 4 my nails have grown out quite a bit, I have also somehow chipped the polish on a few nails (how does that even happen with sns??)

Overall they still look pretty decent other than that, but I will definately need them redone this weekend.

I would say I'm pretty happy with SNS, I think it was worth my money personally and will likely get it again when I go back. :)

Update: I decided to try gel when I went back. I loved the sns but not so much how my nails looked from the drimal I'm hoping they'll recover, not saying I won't get sns again though, I just wanted to try more stuff.


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