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Anxiety Sucks: Update

Hey everyone! So this will be one of those rambley post with no exact clear point other than updating you about my anxiety, so if you are interested in that read on, if not, I'll try and get back to makeup on the next post...

So as any long time readers may know, I don't talk about this much, but I do have a couple blog post addressing it and in those I like to try and be real with you guys about how I feel at the moment and what's been going on.

My last one was about a year ago, it is Anxiety: 2 steps forward, 1 step back , and the first from almost 2 years ago is simply, Anxiety Sucks . I haven't felt the need to update these recently probably because nothing was really all that new. Nothing is per say new now, except I am trying to phase out most of my caffeine because it is making my anxiety worse at the moment.

I would say overall I am on a upswing and things are going ok, I have a new job, which funny enough involves me driving alot and if you read my first post you will know my, not first, but one of my worst, anxiety attacks happened when I was driving, so I HATE driving now. You may wonder why I took a job like this then, well the answer to that is because I had been praying to only get offered the job God wanted me to take and guess what that was? My current one. I never would've chosen to apply for it on my own, but it is actually a great job.

Now you may be wondering how I handle all the driving.... being real with you guys, I still have pretty bad anxiety some days. I am working in the city now (thankfully not downtown though!) and there are much bigger scary roads here. Some days I'm pretty ok, other days like this morning, I am literally verbally having to tell myself to breath because I start to hyperventilate merging onto the new road. There are days where this is all day, days where it is only a few times, and days where I am pretty much good.

I listen to k-love alot (and other things too) and that helps sometimes to just remind me I am ok.

I am also trying to get out of my comfort zone in other ways and Andrew and I joined a group at our church, so as you may know from my previous post, new groups also scare me. Thankfully this one is small, but even with it I have my meltdown moments and clam up and start panicking. That also happens in church occasionally, some days I am ok, other days I freak out.

If you have anxiety I am sure you experience similar things. If you have had these issues a while just know you aren't alone, I'm sure you have developed more coping mechanisms, even if you haven't that's ok.... If you are new to anxiety, I'm sorry and just know you aren't alone and even though it might never go completely away you can develop coping mechanisms and still be able to push yourself through and live with it, some days will be hard, I have really hard exhausting days with it sometimes where at the end of the day I can't wait to just curl up in Andrew's arms at night and , some days you might not have much anxiety at all, but no matter what kind of day you have or are having just remember it's ok and you WILL get through it <3


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