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Why I Think Being Friends First HelpsYour Relationship So Much

Let me start off by saying by no means do you HAVE to be friends first to have an amazing relationship,  however this is from my personal experience and I wouldn't have it any other way in my case.

I love that I began as friends with my fiance when we were younger because I feel like being friends first creates a really strong base for your relationship,  my fiance knows things about me that make a world of difference in how he responds to me.

In various situations if we hadn't been friends before he wouldn't understand how I was reacting to things.

With my anxiety for example,  he's learned much more through our 4.5 years together but he knew a good amount beforehand as well.

One example is how I used to eat in the kitchen at our church because all the people stressed me out. Sometimes he'd even bring me food so I wouldn't have to go get it.

Because of seeing that and experiencing that in our friendship he knew recently exactly what was going on when I didn't want to eat at an event. 

He also knows why certain things upset me and not to do them. 

Now am I saying he couldn't have learned this if we went friends? No, he could've,  but it's very hard for me to open up and it's taken him the whole 11 years we've known each other to get to know me like he does, even now he sometimes has to push me for information to understand more. 

And trust me, even knowing me so well, our relationship has been tested before because of some of my issues,  but I think how long we've known each other and how much he cares for me (especially then because it was early on) really helped him stick with me through what it was.

So definitely I believe you can have an amazing relationship without knowing each other long,  but I think there is something to be said for the foundation made when you have the opportunity to become friends before getting together. 


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