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What People Need to Understand About Conservative (Baptist) Christian Families

Hey guys! I'm doing a post today because I'm gonna be busy all day tomorrow. 

I just want to add a disclaimer before I begin, this is just my experiences and is meant to be funny so no one freak out or get mad. Lol

Ok so I come from a conservative Christian family. I've always gone to church and was relatively sheltered. Now as I have gotten out into the real world I've realized just how sheltered I was. The things people say and do are utterly shocking to me.
What's more shocking is when I tell them things about myself and they think it's crazy how "well behaved" and "sheltered" I am.

I want to categorize levels of conservative Christian families into 3 categories. 
Level 1: This is where my parents are. You have a decent amount of freedom, can mostly watch, listen to, and do things you'd like. Still has rules and boundaries. They are still very against things like tattoos, drugs, or alcohol. Or wearing anything overly revealing. As you get older they loosen the rules a bit but will still let you know they don't approve of the outfit.

Level 2: This is about where I think my fiancé's family is. The rules get a little more strict. You can't watch and listen to certain things. Same with clothing, there are certain things you definitely can't wear. The rules still loosen a bit but you still need permission to go out and do things. At this level they are still happy to have someone raised in a level 1 join the family, although they might be seen as a tiny bit of a wild child.

Level 3: This is where I think my little cousins family is. They are very strict, can only listen to Christian music and pretty much on certain genres of it. Very restricted on what you can watch and definitely need permission for any activities. Clothing is very conservative. Even a level 3 loosens up a bit as the kid ages but not too very much. Dating a level 1 would probably not go over very well here. It may but it depends.

Now there are also sub level here where you can have a bit of both from different tiers, but I'm gonna stick to these as my examples.

Now people ask me things like "Why can't you just do this and not tell your parents?" Well sir/ma'am because 1. It's wrong and 2. Do you have any idea how much trouble I would get in if they found out?

Now do we ever do things and not mention them? Sure, but not usually how you're thinking, we might listen to a song we shouldn't or watch a show or movie we shouldn't but going somewhere or doing things like partying? No way. And if you were brave enough to try that you wouldn't need to tell your parents because you'd feel so guilty you couldn't enjoy it and would keep beating yourself up about it for weeks.

People wonder "why do you need permission, you're an adult?" Well I still live at home so therefor I still have to ask. Now based off your parents level and what you wanna do you might not need to ask, I don't have to ask to hang out with Andrew anymore, but his parents prefer he ask even though they let him anyways. For any "big" things I still ask like going to a concert, I'd still double check until Andrew and I move out.

Which brings me to my next one "You guys don't live together?" "You aren't gonna live together before you're married?" Very unikely. You don't understand how that would go over, it's not gonna be received well, there's gonna be fighting about it and lot's of disapproval, it just doesn't work that way.

"You don't drink?" "you're not aloud to drink, but you're 21!" No i'm not aloud to drink, I still live under my parents roof and they don't approve of it. Now can I legally go do it? Yes, but if I come home drunk or tipsy I'm gonna be in lots of trouble and I might not get grounded, but the disappointment is worse.

And that's another thing you should know, we'd rather get screamed at than see the look of disappointment from our parents, it's terrible and it sucks and besides how we were raised this is a big factor in us behaving so "well".

Now do we act perfect and agree with our parents on everything? No, and we likely will do some things differently when we get moved out but until then overall we are gonna listen relatively well, atleast on the big stuff.

There are so many of these but those are just a few. How are you guys families? Are they strict?


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