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Long Hair Problems

Hey guys!!! Today I thought I'd just share a list of 'Long Hair Problems' with you. Don't get me wrong,  I LOVE  my long hair, but these things are super annoying lol

2. It's super hard to get off carpet and will break you vacuum

3.If the winds blowing it can get caught in doors windows

4. When the wind is blowing and it gets in your lipgloss

5. When you put on a seatbelt (or take it off) or pick up something like you purse it pulls your hair

6. When you are tying your bikini or putting on your bra and catch you hair in the knot or hook

7. When you are trying to sleep and roll over onto your hair

8. It is CONSTANTLY clogging up your shower drain

9. You have to be super careful cooking or it could end up in food

10. If you are braiding or styling your hair in some other way it gets tangled super easy

11. When you are cuddling with your boyfriend and it's constantly getting in his face/mouth and annoying him ( even though he loves it long lol )


  1. Yep! Before I cut my hair, I had pretty much all of these issues.

    S .x

    1. Yeah lol I just can't bring myself to cut it, I love having it long aside from these things lol


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