Hey guys!! So something I'm sure you guys don't know about me is that I'm afraid of doing presentations at school. I was homeschooled from 5th grade throughout high school so this isn't something I've really had any problems with until college (well I started early college at 16, so I did deal with it some while in high school but not much). Because of this fact, I wanted to give you guys a heads-up, in a week or so I will be posting a project for school on my blog and Youtube Channel. Instead of having to present in class my teacher is allowing me to do that instead. My project will be on "How People Use Youtube" so if you guys are interested in that, feel free to check it out, if not, it's just for school so I shouldn't be doing anymore posts like that (unless it's for school at a later date) so you can just skip over that post. :)
Hey guys!! I wanted to do a slightly different kind of post today, my boyfriend is a gamer and so I thought it could be fun to do a post on what you should know about dating a gamer, and the best part? This list is gamer approved. :) lol 1. Gamers will game... alot. If you are going to date a gamer you have to understand this, gaming is part of what he loves doing, especially if he's hardcore gamer, so don't be one of those girlfriends who's constantly trying to make him stop playing, gamers don't like that at all. You shouldn't try and change him, but accept who he is, or other option find a guy who isn't a gamer. lol 2. Sometimes, it will take an eternity to get a text back, or he forgets. You'll get used to it. There are just some games where you can't pause them or they are just too difficult for him to text you back quickly. If he likes this game: that can be especially true. And trust me I've played it, he ...
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